Dugu Bole Hadippa!!

"Icha is what I call my mom for now, as I can't say 'R'icha still" is what Dugu may want to tell you - if he could speak the full sentence.

And to his mom's delight - Dugu dear - who as it is loves Kriket (that's how he would spell it for now, I guess) - did not bother her much this Sunday, 20th Sep '09 when they went to watch Dil Bole Hadippa, at 4:20pm. Some show timing that, eh!

He seemed to have quite a bit of fun, laughed - and when he was made to sit on the side stairs for a while, seems plucked of one of those shiny-lil stars. He laughed back at Icha when she looked at him.

Had I Papa?